Ricky Schroder donates $150,000 US to bail out alleged killer Kyle Rittenhouse

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Actor Ricky Schroder reportedly contributed $150,000 US towards alleged killer Kyle Rittenhouse’s $2 million bail.

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The NYPD Blue star’s donation to the fund emerged after one of Rittenhouse’s attorneys, Lin Wood, tweeted a triumphant photo on Friday showing lawyer John Pierce, Rittenhouse and Schroder, shortly after Kyle was released from custody, reports TMZ.

“FREE AT LAST!!!” he penned, with Wood previously thanking Schroder in a tweet, writing: “Special thanks to Actor Ricky Schroder… & Mike Lindell @realMikeLindell for putting us over the top.”

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Lindell is the founder and CEO of MyPillow, and an avid supporter of President Donald Trump.

Rittenhouse, 17, allegedly shot three protesters after travelling with an AR-15-style rifle from Antioch, Illinois, to Kenosha, Wisconsin, on August 25, while the city was engulfed in civil unrest following an earlier shooting by a Kenosha police officer that left Jacob Blake paralyzed.

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The teenager was charged with multiple counts of homicide and unlawful possession of a firearm. He claims he was acting in self-defence.

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While many people on social media criticised Schroder for his involvement in the case, journalist Seph Lawless tweeted that the actor’s publicist told him the contribution was “contingent on rights to (Rittenhouse’s) story (aka documentary).”

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