On the first day of March in the year of our Lord 2024, with the representatives of the people gathered in the Congress of the Nation, before the gaze of the Eternal One, we declare the need for a new foundational pact for the Argentine Republic.
The President of the Nation, Javier Milei, summons the twenty-three provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, to sign on May 25 of the present year, in the jurisdiction of Córdoba, productive heart of our Homeland, a ten-point agreement that reconstitutes the Bases of Argentina.
These guidelines will be subject to the prior approval of the “Ley de Bases y Puntos de Partida para la Libertad de los Argentinos” (Law of Bases and Points of Departure for the Freedom of Argentineans) and a new fiscal pact.
1. The inviolability of private property.
2. Non-negotiable fiscal balance.
3. The reduction of public spending to historical levels, around 25% of the Gross Domestic Product.
4. A tax reform that reduces the tax burden, simplifies the lives of Argentines and promotes trade.
5. The re-discussion of the federal co-participation of taxes to put an end to the current extortive model forever.
6. A commitment by the provinces to advance in the exploitation of the country’s natural resources.
7. A modern labor reform that promotes formal employment.
8. A pension reform that gives sustainability to the system, respects those who contributed and allows those who prefer to subscribe to a private retirement system.
9. A structural political reform that modifies the current system and realigns the interests of the representatives and the represented.
10. The opening to international trade, so that Argentina becomes a protagonist of the global market again.
May God bless all Argentines and grant us the wisdom and strength necessary to overcome the challenges we face as a society and build a prosperous future for our Nation. May the Forces of Heaven be with us.
Javier Gerardo Milei
President of the Nation.